Thursday, July 5, 2012

Notes From The Families

Dear Roslyn,

The beautiful quilt arrived yesterday.  What a labor of love to honor our son.

Many thanks to you and all who participate in this wonderful blessing.

Thank you again.


Tari D. Cofield 

Mother of Sgt.Mark Cofield


I just wanted to let you know we received the quilt. It is beautiful thank you so much. 

Loretta Smith
 Mother of Sgt. Jason Smith 


Ms. Atwood:

I wanted to let you know that I have received the quilt you mailed me and I LOVE IT.  Thank you so very much!  The story is also interesting - I did not know what that commission did, but do now.

It is a beautiful quilt and again, I truly appreciate your generosity and what your chapter is doing for the fallen heroes of the US military branches.

God Bless,

Natalie Bittner

Mother of Sgt. Nathan Byers


  Thank you again for the quilt!  We received it and it is beautiful.  We have a special place to display it in honor of Brandon and others who have fallen.  Blessings to you and all others involved with this project.


Father of LCpl. Brandon Pearson

Friday, June 15, 2012

Seven Quilts Prepared

 In memory of...............

 Sgt. Nathan R. Beyers, USA, July 7th. 2011, Iraq.
For his Mother.

 Sgt. Mark A. Cofield, USA, July 17th. 2011, Iraq.
For his parents.

 Cpl. Brandon W. Pearson, USMC, November 4th. 2010, Afghanistan
For his parents.

 Spc. Justin E. Culbreth, USA, November 17th. 2010, Afghanistan.
For his parents

 Sgt. Jason T. Smith, USMC, November 19th. 2010, Afghanistan.
For his parents.

 Sgt. Faith R. Hinkley, USA, August 7th. 2010, Iraq.
For her parents. 

 Sgt. Vorasack T. Xaysana, USA, April 10th. 2011, Iraq.
For his family.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Prepping More Quilts

Last week I was able to locate the families of three more Fallen Heroes, Sgt. Vorasack Xaysana, Sgt. Faith Hinkley and Sgt. Jason Smith.
I have only one finished CW replica soldier's quilt on hand so I must quilt and bind two more. There are half a dozen letters out to prospective family members, if any of those come back as positive contacts I will need to quilt up some more. Fortunately there is a good stock of tops here from which to draw, many with backings and a couple with bindings prepared. I still have to make the labels and print up the paperwork, which is fairly time consuming so I expect the pepping of these quilts will take me a week or two.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

CPL.Donahue's Mom Says.......

Roslyn, I wanted to write my thank you but don't have a mailing address for you.  Please let this email suffice.

I want to thank you and the other quilters for making such a beautiful remembrance of Max.  I've gotten very sweet gifts that keep him alive and with us and your quilt will be added to these treasures.  My mother used to hand quilt and I know it takes a good deal of time so please know I appreciate your efforts and your thoughtfulness.


Julie Schrock
Proud mother of Corporal Max and Ryan Donahue

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

SSgt.Theodore Samuel Holder and Cpl.Max W.Donahue

In memory of SSgt.Theodore Samuel Holder, USMC, KIA November 11th.2004, Iraq
For Sam's parents.

In memory of Cpl.Max W. Donahue, USMC, KIA August 7th. 2010, Afghanistan
For Max's Mother.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Mother's Gratitude

This kind note was sent by the grieving mother of Cpl.Jason La Fleur and it is posted here with her permission.

Kei Torres wrote:
I wanted to let you know that I got the quilt Saturday. It is beautiful and takes my breathe away. Thank you so very much for this beautiful quilt. I will be wrapping myself up in the cold evenings and remembering your kindness and the kindness of all who contributed to this very special quilt.

I am constantly touched by the kindness of strangers who honor and remember our service members.

Please pass along my gratitude to all who participated and created this special quilt.

Thank you again so very much.

Kei Torres
Very Proud Gold Star Mom of
Cpl Jason K. LaFleur
KIA 04 Aug 2007 OIF

Friday, March 2, 2012

From A Mom

A lovely note from the mother of PFC.Christopher Horns, posted with her permission.

I received the quilt that was made for our son Christopher. It is just beautiful and perfectly constructed...thank you so much for your love and support for the families of the fallen. As I opened the box that contained the quilt and read the names in the blocks I felt the hugs and love from each person named there....of course I cried as I turned the quilt over to read the inscription on the back. Thank you so much I will cherish this quilt and proudly present it in our home on Chris' memorial wall.
I miss Chris more than ever and my heart still aches for him to return and hug me with his big strong arms...I have to remind myself that will not happen in the physical world. I did have a dream just the other night that he gave me a hug and said he was okay the dream I remember carrying a bath towel and I cried it wet with tears.
Again thank you and I'm so proud that us families that have not chosen this path of heartache have someone like you to love us and show your kindness upon us.
Tammy Horns

Thursday, March 1, 2012

SSGT. Justin L. Bauer

The following photos were sent to me by the family of SSGT.Justin Bauer, who gave his life in the service of his country in Baghdad, Iraq, January 10th. 2009.

Justin's widow received this quilt.
This one went to Justin's Mom.

This quilt to his Dad.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Notes From The Families

This will be a new addition to the Colorado Fallen Heroes blog. Notes from the families of our fallen heroes will be added to the blog, but only after I receive their permission.
Here is the gracious note I received from the mother of Cpl.Jason La Fleur.
I wanted to let you know that I got the quilt Saturday. It is beautiful and takes my breathe away. Thank you so very much for this beautiful quilt. I will be wrapping myself up in the cold evenings and remembering your kindness and the kindness of all who contributed to this very special quilt.

I am constantly touched by the kindness of strangers who honor and remember our service members.

Please pass along my gratitude to all who participated and created this special quilt.

Thank you again so very much.

Kei Torres
Very Proud Gold Star Mom of
Cpl Jason K. LaFleur
KIA 04 Aug 2007 OIF

Monday, February 20, 2012

PFC.Christopher A.Horns and CPL. Jason K. La Fleur

Quilts are going to the parents of these two brave men, who gave their lives in the service of their country in Iraq and Afghanistan.

CPL. Jason K. La Fleur, KIA 8/14/2007, Hawr Rajab, Iraq

PFC. Christopher A. Horns, KIA 10/22/2011, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

CW4 David R.Carter

This quilt goes out to the widow of another Fallen Hero, CW4 David Carter, to honor his memory for the sacrifice of his life in the service of his country.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Four More Quilts

These four beauties arrived in a large box and I knew immediately it was HOB quilts.
Scotti McCarthy's Columbine Quilt Guild in Colorado has been so generous and faithful to the cause. I am very grateful for their continued help, it means that I always have a couple of finished quilts on hand for whenever I locate the family of a fallen hero. That's the toughest job, believe it or not, and very time consuming as I must comb the internet searching for leads that may bring me into contact with a bereaved family.
So if anyone who may come across this blog has information on one of these families who has not yet received a memorial quilt I would be very happy if you would leave me a comment to that effect or send me an email-the link is on my profile info- so I can contact you.
Blessings and many thanks to the Columbine Guild.