Friday, June 15, 2012

Seven Quilts Prepared

 In memory of...............

 Sgt. Nathan R. Beyers, USA, July 7th. 2011, Iraq.
For his Mother.

 Sgt. Mark A. Cofield, USA, July 17th. 2011, Iraq.
For his parents.

 Cpl. Brandon W. Pearson, USMC, November 4th. 2010, Afghanistan
For his parents.

 Spc. Justin E. Culbreth, USA, November 17th. 2010, Afghanistan.
For his parents

 Sgt. Jason T. Smith, USMC, November 19th. 2010, Afghanistan.
For his parents.

 Sgt. Faith R. Hinkley, USA, August 7th. 2010, Iraq.
For her parents. 

 Sgt. Vorasack T. Xaysana, USA, April 10th. 2011, Iraq.
For his family.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Prepping More Quilts

Last week I was able to locate the families of three more Fallen Heroes, Sgt. Vorasack Xaysana, Sgt. Faith Hinkley and Sgt. Jason Smith.
I have only one finished CW replica soldier's quilt on hand so I must quilt and bind two more. There are half a dozen letters out to prospective family members, if any of those come back as positive contacts I will need to quilt up some more. Fortunately there is a good stock of tops here from which to draw, many with backings and a couple with bindings prepared. I still have to make the labels and print up the paperwork, which is fairly time consuming so I expect the pepping of these quilts will take me a week or two.